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【11月21日】Talking with Zhuangzi 与庄子对话

点击次数:  更新时间:2023-11-19

主 题:Talking with Zhuangzi 与庄子对话

时 间:2023年11月21日(周二)10:00-12:00

地 点:williamhill官网振华楼B214

主讲人:Michael Beaney


讲座论文:‘Swimming Happily in Chinese Logic’: https://doi.org/10.1093/arisoc/aoab010

【摘 要】

The dialogues between Zhuangzi and Hui Shi are an important part of the Zhuangzi. Hui Shi can be seen as representing the ‘analytic’ philosopher and the dialogues can thus be seen as a site for exploring analytic views in ancient Chinese philosophy. In this lecture I will focus on the most famous dialogue of all, the happy fish dialogue, in clarifying the Zhuangzian critique of analytic ways of thinking while at the same elaborating and exemplifying an interpretive approach to the text that can also be called ‘analytic’ in the wider and richer sense that is required for engaging properly with the Zhuangzi.

Michael Beaney(毕明安),德国柏林洪堡大学“分析哲学史”讲席教授,英国阿伯丁大学逻辑学讲席教授,清华大学贺麟客座教授。现有职务包括国际分析哲学史学会(Society for the Study of the History of Analytical Philosophy)会长、英国哲学史协会(British Society for the History of Philosophy)常任理事、《英国哲学史杂志》(British Journal for the History of Philosophy)主编。毕明安教授生于1959年,自1990年从牛津大学取得博士学位以来,先后任教于约克大学、曼彻斯特大学、耶拿大学、纽伦堡大学和洪堡大学等,曾担任北京大学及北京师范大学客座教授。出版关于弗雷格哲学和分析哲学史研究专著3部、编著9部,在Philosophical StudiesMind 等顶级哲学刊物上发表论文20余篇。