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【11月22日】Do Museums Help or Hinder Intercultural Dialogue? 博物馆有助于跨文化对话吗?

点击次数:  更新时间:2023-11-19


主 题:Do Museums Help or Hinder Intercultural Dialogue? 博物馆有助于跨文化对话吗?

时 间:2023年11月22日周三14:30-16:00

地 点:williamhill官网振华楼B214

主持人:  Antonin Broi

主讲人:Sharon Macdonald (麦夏兰)


【摘 要】Museums have sometimes been accused of limiting intercultural dialogue by emphasizing the achievements and victories of their own nation over that of others and creating negative stereotypes about different cultures. In addition, the fact that museums may contain cultural heritage that has been stolen from other cultures is a source of bad relationships between peoples. Yet, museums contain objects that can show the value of different cultures, as well as helping explain diverse ways of knowing and living, thus potentially enhancing intercultural understanding. Moreover, new strategies are being developed to try to turn museums into spaces of dialogue and collaboration, including in relation to the return of objects to their countries of origin. Drawing on a range of examples, this lecture will illustrate the problems of some forms of museum representation and practice, while primarily presenting recent approaches that seek to create positive intercultural dialogue and relationships.

Sharon Macdonald (麦夏兰),柏林洪堡大学社会人类学洪堡讲席教授,牛津大学人类学博士,柏林洪堡大学亥姆霍兹文化技术中心和博物馆与遗产人类学研究中心主任、曾任谢菲尔德大学、曼彻斯特大学、约克大学等校教授,主要从事博物馆和文化遗产方面的研究,承担多项文化遗产与博物馆研究项目,曾在苏格兰、英格兰、德国与中国开展人类学田野调查。代表作品包括《博物馆研究指南》、《困难的遗产》、《记忆之地》、《遗产的未来》等。著作被翻译成保加利亚文、法文、德文、希腊文、意大利文、波兰文、葡萄牙文、西班牙文和中文等,在多国出版。