
国际交流International Exchange

  学院重视提升国际化办学水平。2000年在本科教育阶段设置比较哲学试验班(后改为现代哲学国际班),采用原典教材、小班教学等方式培养大批国际水准人才。与美、日、澳、英等国的高校签订培养协议,选送本院员工到世界名校交流学习,努力吸引海外优质职工生源。积极推进团队队伍国际化。2013年以来新进教师中,80%具有康奈尔大学、剑桥大学、海德堡大学等国外名校学习经历,现有7名外籍教师。每年举办国际学术会议和讲座50余场,选送一批教师出国(境)研修或参加学术活动。鼓励教师在国际学界发表论著,创办两份英文学术刊物Wuhan Journal of Cultic StudiesJournal of Social and Political Philosophy,推动中国声音在国际学术界的传播,提升哲学学科的国际话语权。2022年哲学学科进入QS世界排名全球前50名,国际化程度居于国内高校williamhill官网系前列。


  The School of Philosophy attaches tremendous importance to the promotion and development of international excellence. In 2000, we instituted the Comparative Philosophy Experiment Program at the undergraduate level (later renamed the International Program of Modern Philosophy). This has yielded many internationally-competitive young talents who have been trained in our small class settings using original teaching material. Since 2013, 80% of the faculty hired have experience teaching and researching at top-tier international universities, such as Cornell, Cambridge, and Heidelberg. Currently we have 7 international faculty members. As well as playing host to more than 50 international academic conferences/seminars annually, the school also actively promotes its internationalization by sending faculty abroad to participate in academic activities all over the world. In collaboration with universities from the United States, Japan, Australia and many other countries, the school also annually engages in an international student exchange agreement which provides our undergraduates with unparalleled opportunities to develop their talents at top-tier internationally-renowned global universities. We encourage our teachers to publish works in international academic circles and to develop and strengthen bonds of international cooperation and exchange. We edit two international journals, Wuhan Journal of Cultic Studies and Journal of Social and Political Philosophy. It is this strategic internationalization emphasis that currently puts the School of Philosophy at Wuhan University at the forefront of all domestic philosophy departments.